Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Aaaah!! Gym


Disclaimer: I had never done a workout of any kinds before I recently joined this Gym.

There are 2 kinds of people whom I’ve met and spoken to before joining a gym. Infact 3. Some who workout to stay fit, others who workout for muscle building and the rest – who care a damn! Very recently, I could classify myself into the last category.

Having a good physique is a desirable possession by most guys of my age. I was no different. However, working out regularly to shed that extra belly off is a tedious task for many. Frankly speaking, my belly still hurts as I continue to write this post!

But, there is much more to it than just the body pain for the initial week. The daily routine is subjected to immense changes which shall hamper your work, personal life and sleeping habits. However, if you can take it along for the first week, the journey ahead is known to be a drool.

How did I get into it?

After seeing people around me joining gym for good (and a few losing the way in a month’s time!), I went on to grow a desire of doing it for myself. There have been times when others have tried to drag me into it. But it was no earlier than the day I thought I am game!

I knew it would be a painful start and I was darn right! But the days ahead would be glory, I knew. That was the motivating factor behind me stepping into it.

How did I traverse the initial few days?

First 3 days are the toughest to be regular at. The tendency to stop it on day 3 is the maximum. The more you think of leaving it for a day, the closer you shall get to leave it for ever. I just avoided the thought that there is an alternative. Even if I had to take a leave and sleep for the entire day!

The feeling after day 3 is great. You feel far more composed with your muscles beginning to get tightened up. You feel like being more active all day long, plus the pain which continues to bug you along for the first week. More reasons to keep rolling!

The change in diet

Working out for the first time was a great experience in itself. The diet chart had something which was next to German for me! I had never had such eating habits ever. But after toiling hard for 2 hours a day, you feel sticking to fresh juices, protein rich diet and less of fried foods.

One month down the line

It’s been just over a week. I am loving it while waiting for the pain to disappear. However, missing a day at Gym is something I would still want to rule out. The feeling you get working and shedding the sweat is so very great. After graduating to some regular cardio exercises, one would move on to lifting weights and using pulley machines. Working on multiple sets to reduce abs looks easier than it was for the first 3 days.

Life looks to be far more organized with a motive to live, eat and stay healthy. Things were never so before.

Life – loving it ,living it!


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