Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bill Gates: 'I'm Too Popular For Facebook'

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has admitted he was forced to stop using Facebook because he is too popular.
Alleged Facebook profile of Bill Gates

Bill Gates discussed Facebook at an event last month, NASSCOM CEO’s forum with Mr. Bill Gates on Transforming India Through Technology” at The Taj Hotel, New Delhi.

The billionaire businessman and philanthropist said he was inundated with messages when he used the social networking site.

"It was just way too much trouble so I gave it up," he told an audience in India.

Mr. Gates was in India to receive the prestigious Indira Gandhi award for Peace, Disarmament and Development on behalf Gates and Melinda foundation.

Microsoft Corp co-founder Bill Gates (R) receives the Indira Gandhi Peace Prize from Indias President Pratibha Patil (2nd L) as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (L) looks on during the conferment ceremony at the presidential palace in New Delhi July 25, 2009.

He said he would find "10,000 people wanting to be my friends" when he logged in, and working out if he "knew this person" was too complicated.

The Microsoft chairman also confessed he was also "not that big at text messaging".

Despite his views, the Bill Gates fan page has nearly 17,000 followers while his charity's page has attracted the support of 34,000 users.

But neither page matches the popularity of Michael Jackson's fan page, which has more than 10 million supporters.

Blogs are circulating screenshots which allegedly reveal his Facebook account.

According to the pictures, his favourite television show is 24, and his interests include "tennis, bridge, reading, movies".

The computer expert is not the only high-profile name to walk away from Facebook.

Aaaah!! Gym


Disclaimer: I had never done a workout of any kinds before I recently joined this Gym.

There are 2 kinds of people whom I’ve met and spoken to before joining a gym. Infact 3. Some who workout to stay fit, others who workout for muscle building and the rest – who care a damn! Very recently, I could classify myself into the last category.

Having a good physique is a desirable possession by most guys of my age. I was no different. However, working out regularly to shed that extra belly off is a tedious task for many. Frankly speaking, my belly still hurts as I continue to write this post!

But, there is much more to it than just the body pain for the initial week. The daily routine is subjected to immense changes which shall hamper your work, personal life and sleeping habits. However, if you can take it along for the first week, the journey ahead is known to be a drool.

How did I get into it?

After seeing people around me joining gym for good (and a few losing the way in a month’s time!), I went on to grow a desire of doing it for myself. There have been times when others have tried to drag me into it. But it was no earlier than the day I thought I am game!

I knew it would be a painful start and I was darn right! But the days ahead would be glory, I knew. That was the motivating factor behind me stepping into it.

How did I traverse the initial few days?

First 3 days are the toughest to be regular at. The tendency to stop it on day 3 is the maximum. The more you think of leaving it for a day, the closer you shall get to leave it for ever. I just avoided the thought that there is an alternative. Even if I had to take a leave and sleep for the entire day!

The feeling after day 3 is great. You feel far more composed with your muscles beginning to get tightened up. You feel like being more active all day long, plus the pain which continues to bug you along for the first week. More reasons to keep rolling!

The change in diet

Working out for the first time was a great experience in itself. The diet chart had something which was next to German for me! I had never had such eating habits ever. But after toiling hard for 2 hours a day, you feel sticking to fresh juices, protein rich diet and less of fried foods.

One month down the line

It’s been just over a week. I am loving it while waiting for the pain to disappear. However, missing a day at Gym is something I would still want to rule out. The feeling you get working and shedding the sweat is so very great. After graduating to some regular cardio exercises, one would move on to lifting weights and using pulley machines. Working on multiple sets to reduce abs looks easier than it was for the first 3 days.

Life looks to be far more organized with a motive to live, eat and stay healthy. Things were never so before.

Life – loving it ,living it!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ganpati Baba Morriya!!

Maharashtra’s most popular and famous Ganesha festival week is goin on. The gullies of Lalbaug, Parel, and Chinchpokli areas of Mumbai are crowded with workshops of Ganesha idols. Most of the small, medium size idols are wrapped in plastic sheets and are ready to be delivered to the customers. The big size idols are being given their finishing touches.

Most of the craftsmen come from the coastal, Konkan area of Maharashtra. It’s their traditional business. Earlier the idols were made of a special quality of soil, which rendered finer results, but it took many days to dry. These days most of the idols are made of Plaster of Paris (POP). It takes only a few days to dry. Making the mould of POP is easy, which can then be used for mass production.

Making idols from a soil is a costly and time consuming affair. The idols are immersed in the Arabian Sea after the festival and idols made of soil slowly melt in the water without polluting. The idols made of soil are finer and rich in colors.

On the contrary, idols made of POP are not easily disposable. On the next day of immersion ceremony, the ugly remains of the idols not only float in the water creating water pollution, they also disturb the spiritual importance of Lord Ganesha and the festival.

Facebook Chat Emoticons

While playing with Facebook Chat I wondered if it supported emoticons. Turns out it does. But when I tried the >:-) emoticon (a 'devil') and saw it printed as boring text, I wondered, "what smilies does facebook actually support?"

So with the help of Safari and some javascript hacking I present to you a complete list of facebook emoticons.

:-) :) :] =)
:-( :( :[ =(
:-P :P :-p :p =P
:-D :D =D
:-O :O :-o :o
;-) ;)
8-) 8) B-) B)
8-| 8| B-| B|
>:( >:-(
:/ :-/ :\ :-\
3:) 3:-)
O:) O:-)
:-* :*
o.O O.o
>:O >:-O >:o >:-o
curly lips
Chris Putnam



After I finished up writing the last post WHAT A MAN WANTS?,I felt an urge within to write up for my fellow brothers too. That previous was darn easy…just give him sex, I had advised. But when I sit down to write on how to manipulate a woman, I know it will be difficult task. I might fail to deliver (expected, isn’t it? On which planet do men deliver?)…please bear with me. After all, the first question ‘what women want’ still remains unanswered.

Women need security. She has two issues to sort before she is even willing to let you get close enough so you can attempt a manipulation.

1) Is she feeling safe with you?

2) Is she feeling safe from the World when she is with you?

Remember, this is why a woman never falls in love at first sight. One doesn’t get to know the bank balance at first sight.

If your answer to the above two questions is ‘Yes’ you are my star and you have every right to continue reading this article. Other men may as well pick up the latest PlayBoy and head to their favorite corner.

What politicians are to the citizens of a democracy, men are to the women. We never vote for the best politician (for there aren’t any) …we always end up voting for the least corrupt. Similarly, women are forced to choose the one who is the least likely to mess up their lives – which is anyway going around and around in cycles. Period.

It is this need for security and the ability to compromise, that makes a woman prefer the guy who offered to pay the bill, though he took her to a cheap restaurant.

Never walk into the restaurant and say magnanimously: “We will go …but I will take care of the tip myself.” This just might tip the scales in favour of the guy she had been keeping aside as Plan B.

But taking her to a restaurant and paying the bill might NOT make her trust you. She might start thinking, “This guy takes me to a restaurant, and pays for my dinner. Something is definitely fishy.”

If she wasn’t already on guard with you, this act of yours will put her on guard. You might not be able to read her mind, but she can read 100s of permutations & combinations into your single smile.

Mind you, women are always on guard …which helps them in their search for ‘security’. It is as if they see these boards (see pics) everywhere they go.

In a way, we men have made the women such experts in sensing the dangers nearby.

Anyway once you have won over her confidence…and made her feel safe with you and from the World, when she is with you…she is ready to be manipulated.

My dear men (women, you still reading?)…there are two things you need to know about a woman:

1) Women have the inherent need to know everything

2) Women love to be flattered

Women have this inner need to know everything about the man they are interested in or have ended up marrying. Talk to her…not just about cricket scores or the latest youtube video you saw on the net. Talk to her about what you did in office, what you ate for lunch, what you spoke of when you met your colleagues in the loo, what you were thinking while driving your car back from office, what her mother in law thinks of her, what her sister in law said about her…just about everything.

On the Flattery front, here are a few stock sentences that you can use to flatter her and once she is flattered, you can manipulate the hell out of her. Remember, you are dealing with a person with a seventh sense for security…so be careful.

1) Are you dieting? Or is it the gym? You are definitely losing weight

2) Where did you get that skirt? Goes really well with those shoes.

3) Did you do something to your hair today? I am seeing something extra.

4) I was walking just behind you…and guess what, when you walked past that bus stop…all the men fainted.

5) You have such nice skin.

There are certain things you should never tell a woman. Even if it sounds ok to you, as a man. Sentences like:

1) If I were only half as good looking as you are…I would be ////

2) You have such nice skin. Wish I had that too….darn these rashes!

3) Where did you get that skirt? Would love to see them crushed on the floor

4) What deo do you use? I was walking just behind you and when you walked past that bus stop…all the men fainted.

5) Did you do something to your hair today? I am an extra dosage on your shirt today

While you try these out on the women in your lives, let me do the same. With some luck, I just might succeed.


If you are a married lady this article will be of great use to you. If you are a girl and grappling with a boy friend, this article can help you to handle your boy friend better. And if you are a guy, be warned…the lady of your life might be reading ROMI-D STORY TELLER.

In this article we will look at how a woman can dominate her man and enslave him. If you are a woman and don’t have the time to read the whole article, here is the gist:

Give your man enough sex and he will be your slave

If you are still reading, it means you are a woman and have time on your hands…so let us continue.

Since I have been a man for the last three decades, let me assure you that I never looked at a girl and said: “Wow, just look at her…she is intelligent!”

Instead, this is how an average discussion goes. The older the men (and longer since their last marriage) the nastier the discussion:

Gentleman A: “Your 6 O’Clock.”

Gentleman B: “Who? Pretty girl?”

Gentleman A: “Yeah man. In a mini.”

Gentleman B: “Worth it? I am already looking at one sitting your at your 5 O’ Clock.

Gentleman A: “Yeah worth it. 36-26-36….I could be off by a few inches on the hips because she is sitting.”

Gentleman B: “OK, I am going to turn…you turn away.”

After letting a few drops of his saliva drop on his shirt

Gentleman A: “I owe you a beer. She has &^&^ *&* *(*(^&%^ ^&^% $%$% $%$% #$#$#$ @#@.”

Gentleman B: “Yep. The guy sitting with her must be a lucky ^&^&^%^%$.”

Like I was saying, men never look at a girl and said “Wow, she is intelligent. I want to go out with her!”…for men never go after intelligence.

Most men look at a woman like a sex object. They might not agree, but most men will have sex with any woman if only they had a place. A place with a good mattress, pillows & air conditioning is even better, because he can sleep off after sex. Don’t trust me? Conduct your own Star Plus Sach Ka Samna at home and find out.

Since I am the writer of this article I can try and salvage my chances for a night out. For me women aren’t sex objects…they are simply human beings that object to sex. Now that’s fair, don’t you think?

Once you have given your man all the sex that he needed, ask him for what you wanted. A man can’t read a woman’s mind and don’t expect him to try…for that’s very difficult. Men struggle even after three years of courtship and four years of marriage. If you don’t ask…you won’t get anything and all your efforts go wasted.

While asking him for what you wanted, please ensure these:

Step 1: Check if your man hasn’t slept off after the sex

Step 2: Give him one stress ball in each hand and ask him relax (this will also keep him from sleeping too)

Step 3: If he still feels sleepy, grab both the balls in your hands and leave him crying. I meant the stress balls.

Step 4: Time yourself and start speaking. A lecture of anything less than 3 hours will not yield results…men start listening only after the first 150 minutes because then they know if its that long it is a cause for concern

Step 5: When you ask him to do anything, don’t be polite. Order. Some strong, powerful men love to be ordered to

Step 6: If you were smarter, you would have skipped Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4 and Step 5 and as he put his cold hands inside your T-shirt, ask him: “Promise me we are going to buy a house soon…and we will be looking at all the brochures of the apartment complexes that I have short listed.”

If you are a man and are still reading this…here is a tip for you. A man gets a high when he feels a woman….but a woman gets a high when somebody makes her feel that she is pretty, sexy and irresistible. If you know she is cutting down, add a line about how she has lost so much weight and looks ravishing now.

If you still have questions on how to manipulate a man, try target practice at ROMIBLOGG@gmail.

Guitar Chords: Tum Ho Toh,,, Movie:Rock On!!

The song uses basic chords so even if you have just learned chords, you can play this song comfortably.

Cmaj, Amin, Dmin, Gmaj, Fmaj

Tum Ho (C)Toh… Gaata Hai (C)Dil,
Tum Na(Dm)hi… Toh Geet Ka(G)ha…
Tum Ho (C)Toh… Hai Sab Haa(C)sil,
Tum Na(Dm)hi… Toh Kya Hai Ya(G)ha…

(Bb)Tum Ho Toh (Am)Hai,
Sap(Bm)no Ke Jaisa Ha(Em)sin
(F)Ek Sa(C)maa…

Jo (G)Tum Ho Toh, Yeh (E)Lagta Hai,
Ke (Am)Mil Gayi, (F)Har Khushi…
Jo (G)Tum Na Ho, Yeh (E)Lagta Hai,
Ke (Am)Har Khushi, Me (F)Hai Kami…

(G)Tum Ko Hai Maanga(G)ti…
Ye Jinda(C)giiii (Am) iiiii (F) iiii…(C)

(Gm)Woh ho… (A#)Woh ho… (C)Woh ho ho… ho ho…

Tum Ho (C)Toh… Raahein Bhi (C)Hai,
Tum Na(Dm)hi… Toh Raste Ka(G)ha…
Tum Ho (C)Toh… Yahaan Sab Hi (C)Hai,
Tum Na(Dm)hi.. Toh Kaun Ya(G)haa…

(Bb)Tum Ho Toh (Am)Hai,
Har (Bm)Ek Pal Meher(Em)ban
(F)Ye Ja(C)haaa…

Jo (G)Tum Ho Toh, Ha(E)wa Mein Bhi…
Mo(Am)habbato… Ka (F)Rang Hai
Jo (G)Tum Na Ho, Toh (E)Phir Koyi…
Na (Am)Josh Na… U(F)mang Hai…

(G)Tum Mile Toh Mi(G)li
Yeh Jinda(C)giiii (Am) iiiii (F) iiii… (C)

(Gm)Woh ho… (A#)Woh ho… (C)Woh ho ho… ho ho… x2

Jenson Button happy for teammate Rubens Barrichello

Rubens Barrichello on Sunday ended a 5 year drought by winning the Valencia Grand Prix capitalising on bad McLaren pitstops and the car supremacy that Brawn GP has possessed this season.

Although Barrichello cut his teammate’s lead by a huge margin, Jenson Button who finished seventh in the race was upbeat about his teammate. Rubens was able to cut 8 points in this one race. Jenson Button was quoted as saying :

“It ended up as a bit of struggle for me, but I take more positives than negatives from this one – and it is great to see Rubens winning. The team have asked me to push harder now if I want to win the title”

“Yeah, it is very unusual for your team-mate to take eight points out of you in one race. Rubens did a fantastic job.

“He has been very quick all weekend and I have struggled to be on his pace. But in qualifying I screwed up, which cost me time. I double shifted out of Turn Five and hopefully we can rectify that problem as I did it in the race as well.

“Starting fifth, I thought we could have a good race, but Vettel came across at the start and if I had stayed flat I would have ripped my front wing off. So, being back in the pack – although I know fifth is not back in the pack – it was a bit crazy.

“In a way, I got two points and I was lucky to get those points. I was down in ninth at one point, behind Webber, and with Sebastian up in fifth.

“But in the end neither of them got points and I got two points, so it is a positive day — but it is also a day where our car was strong and, as my team-mate proved, there were a lot more points on offer and it just didn’t go my way.”

Bill Se

There’s something about him that makes me wish I were him.

I mean, let’s think of these:

* I would have been the most powerful man on earth for eight years straight.

*I would have had sex with a hot chick working in my office, would have been in limelight because of this and at the end of it, my wife would still have had been with me.

*I would have been helping out the AIDS affected Indian junta, making sure that God gets enough happy to book a place for me in heaven

Mind your Language

When did you last write in your mother tongue (at least 200 words at a stretch)? I never did that after my class X. In fact in my entire life, the only time I have used Hindi (that’s my mother tongue) as a written language has been only for the assignments and tests in school. Something similar cab be said about reading Hindi. I hardly get to do that. The sadder thing is that I hardly feel like doing that. I have heard people cry over preserving your mother tongue, but I am never moved. Are you?

I was reading a few week’s back edition of BW to kill some time. There’s this short review of a book called ‘How languages work’ by David Crystal. The subtitle of the book reads how Babies Babble, Words Change Meaning, and Languages live or die. This very subtitle made the getting-bored-like-everyone-else-in-train me realize how rapidly Hindi is dying. There’s one interesting incidence that comes to my mind. I think I was in class fifth or sixth then. I was sitting in the examination hall. There was this language paper that day, and as usual it had one question on writing a letter to your friend (telling him may be how you spent your vacations). I started writing the letter. I had written for about half a page when the invigilator suddenly noticed what I was writing and exclaimed, ‘I think it’s a Hindi paper’. Oh my God! It actually was a Hindi Language paper and just because I was so used to writing letters in English, I never realized I was writing in English all this while! I laughed at myself, struck off the words in English, and started writing the letter again, in Hindi this time. I am sure the teacher who later checked the paper would have laughed real hard, seeing half a page of English words in a Hindi paper!

Getting back to the old point of how senti we should be towards our mother tongue, I do not have much of an opinion. Why should some languages be saved from dying? What’s the point? What’s wrong if the whole world eventually starts speaking just one language? Thinking of the whole world speaking a common language actually sounds a great stuff. The way globalization is growing, I actually have reasons to believe this is going to happen sooner or later. And I really don’t mind. I know for sure that there are folks with whom I am always going to talk in my mother tongue, and this is all I really care about.

Main meri patni aur Dadi

I traveled about four hundred fifty kilometers in seven long hours to meet my grandparents . Daadi and myself were watching TV some time ago. The movie ‘Mai meri patni aur vo’ was playing on the small colored screen. After watching the movie for a while, she decided to put me fundays on what kinda girl should be selected for me! Daadi dear! It was rather sweet of her to do so nevertheless.

So shall I share some of my enriched knowledge? Sure I will. :)

tip 1: Don’t go for a too ‘bekaar’ nor toooo good looking lass.

I guess the ‘too bekar’ was pretty intuitive. So she explained to me why the ‘not too good looking’ concept was as important. ‘You can look at this movie for example. (you need to have seen the movie MMPAV to appreciate the analogy)’, she said. This was followed by a personal example which I don’t remember very well.

tip 2: Prefer a girl from a big city over one from a smaller town. She will have a broader perspective towards stuff.

tip 3: Look for intelligence. What are you going to do with beauty? Intelligence will pay.

I guess this is the summary of all she told me. I might have missed on the details and what appears above might actually be pretty obvious. But all that coming LIVE from Daadi was kinda new thing for me. I suddenly felt I was growing up, getting old. Marital tips! Oh my God. I was blushing and smiling all the time as the funda-session was on. Very silently, I listened to all that she had to say. She loves me a lot. I love her. And I love my DELLruba! ;)

Holidays are going (not so) great. Will get back with more stuff.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Laptops Information

Often new laptop buyers get confused on which laptop to buy because india is still behind countries like united states in terms of laptop users and this is the only reason many people in india have no information on which laptop to decide and what are the advantages of buying one.First of all let me introduce you guys with some laptops available in India.

Sony Vaio Laptops1. Sony Vaio – My favourite laptops since i own 2 Sony vaio CR and they just rock because of the performance, neat designs , light weight and best of all the other laptops in my opinion. The design part of sony laptops are the design which are very neat though apple macbook gets number #1 rank in terms of looks. The pricing part is very important in case of sony vaio laptops because if you are looking for the basic models they start around 1500USD (or) 55000 Indian Rupees and the latest vaio series come with inbuilt webcam and a fingerprint scanner below the cursor keys which are the latest technology.

Dell Laptops2. Dell XPS – Dell used to be a market leader in all their products series long back but now its position has been taken by many other laptop manufacturers, and Dell has recently launched a new model – The XPS 1730 which is a powerful notebook with Intel Core 2 Duo T7300 (2.0GHz) / T7500 (2.2GHz) / T7700 (2.4GHz) / X7800 (2.6GHz) processor and is the first laptop to have intel’s latest Core 2 extreme x 7800 mobile processor.

Buy HP Laptops3. HP Laptops – HP Pavillion laptops were the products HP started manufacturing with the latest models being HP Pavilion dv2600 series Entertainment Notebook PC, HP Pavilion dv2000 series Entertainment Notebook PC, HP Pavilion dv6000 series Entertainment Notebook PC and HP Pavilion tx1000 Entertainment Notebook PC. With the screen size ranging from 12.1″ to 15.4″ HP offers a stylish design, high-definition viewing and wide-screen twist and turn touch-screen. Current offers from HP include a Hauppage TV Tuner with HP Pavilion/Compaq Presario Notebook PCs worth 5000 INR.

Buy Acer Laptops4. Acer Laptops – Acer laptops have launched many series some of which include the Aspire 4920 Series, Ferrari 1000 Series, Extensa 5210 Series, Aspire 5573 Series, TravelMate 6292 Series, Aspire 5583 Series, Aspire 3680 Series, TravelMate 4233 Series and TravelMate 3275 Series. This laptop manufacturer company is currently advertising very heavily in the upcoming laptop industry in india because the laptop buyers are increasing in india rather than the desktop computers. Acer laptops pricing comes at a lower end with a starting price of around 30000 Indian rupees which is the normal pricing for a standard desktop computer.

5. Apple Macbook – Macbook Pro – Apple has started selling laptops in india with a very limited number of stores all over india, and i own a Apple Mac book which i bought from a apple store in banglore and overall i had a bad experiance because i bought the laptop for my brother and he wanted to use it at his Apple Macbook Procollege on a wireless data card usb connection and the macbook is not able to connect to the reliance data card USB connection because of some driver problems, and this is the problem with any wireless internet connection. This macbook can only be used on a broadband connection with the inbuilt wifi port. The macbook series are one of the best if you can sort out this wireless internet connection problems because of the superb quality inbuilt camera, mac os operating system which can be upgraded to Mac OS X Leopard though i have a dual boot system of Mac OS with windows xp professional. The pricing of Macbook’s start at 65000Rs in india and include a 1 year warranty.