Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hit List =>

  • Get me a Job or Master's, or may b both
  • Learn to swim : very important!
  • Expand my collection of books and make sure i find time to read them all
  • Travel more
  • Improve my fitness level : very important , cos right now I'm a SLOTH
  • Bungee jump, or atleast get involved in some kind of adventure sport
  • Still be in touch with all my dearest friends, and have made a few more good ones, if possible.
  • Have ticked off atleast 7 items on this list :o)
ps: order listed does not necessarily imply priority, but the first one is top

~~Now smthn mor abot myself~~
  • hate being alone.Need people around me constantly.
  • almost never stop talking unless i'm working/feeling tired/moody/sleeping
  • love to pig out.
  • am extremely senti/emotional...whatever u call it.
  • am generally found pulling people's legs endlessly
  • am, at this point of time confused if i shud end each line with a full-stop .
  • love the water,the river,the beach. Its too bad i can't swim and i live in a landlocked city
  • am lazy until i set my mind upon doing something. Once I do, I'm usually very focussed
  • can be a kid at times, and this extremely no-nonsense mature adult when i need to be.
  • really love being distributing free Love n relation Tips to ma frenzz!! i Imagine what I wub b if not a Engineer

and finally.....

  • have to get back to work now! :)


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