Monday, August 3, 2009

Too angry to make a long, serious post... here's a chatlog with an online friend from the US

me: a nurse in a hospital was raped two years ago by a ward boy. he gouged one of her eyes out.
me:it takes two years to convict the man.
me:yesterday, during the trial, he offered to MARRY her if she'd drop charges. his rationale? now that she's been raped, it's not like any other man would want to marry her, so this is a good deal for her
me: the court say they will allow this if she agrees.
me: luckily, she did not agree. he's been given a life sentence
him: that's fucking insane
me: I know
me: I feel sick
him: and certainly a first for me
him: i've never heard of a motion of "marry to dismiss all charges"
me: only in India..our judicial system is unique
him: clearly
him: has this happened in a case before?
me: no,.
me: normally the rapist gets off because of inconclusive evidence
him: inconclusive evidence due to incompetency or just not enough for a conviction?
me: incompetency, plus social pressure. because a)it's obviously the girl's fault, b)having someone in your family get raped is a matter of shame! drop charges!
him: ouch
me: it gets better...
me: recently a policeman raped someone.
him: of course it must
me: a well known conservative political group have come out in support of the policeman
me: young girls today wear revealing, 'western' clothes, which are designed to titillate men and leave them with no choice but to rape them.
mellification: (poor men)
him: oh geez, how do these poor souls survive in such a culture!
me: it's a mess.:-(
him: certainly you cannt expect decency, law, morals to have a strong enough hold on "but, did you see that shirt she was wearing!"
me: ohmygod you can see my shoulder!
me: I'm such a whore
me: in fact..since I'm the one forcing sex on the men, does that make me the rapist?

later in the conversation...

him: c'mon, at least he had a good reason... really who'd want her now? (aside from maybe guys who aren't rapists)
me: actually..that's true.:-(
me: everyone expects a virgin, and a rape victims even worse than someone who lost her virginity in a normal way
him: oh...
him: i didn't realize
him: that blows... and is stupid
me: it's awful.
him: are men still expected to be the ones with the "know-how"?
me: oh yes. men are suppsed to have lots of sex. I'm not sure who with, since women aren't allowed to.:-him: um... each other?
him: is india a really fabulous country in any way? is there a queer eye for the hindu guy?
me: no. that is "against our culture". it's something that was brought into india by the decadent west.

me: they sneaked the kamasutra in here you know..and pretended we wrote it!
him: those jerkophiles
him: i mean... you needed it
him: we were only trying to help Yes. Hurrah for being able to tell people all these wonderful things about our country. It's fucking embarrassing is what it is..


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