Monday, August 3, 2009


Designing a good website calls for adequate preparation. Before you begin to create a website, you need to understand what constitutes a website, and the underlying principles the govern its design. In this post, you will examine the basic concepts of website designing.

Creating well-designing websites is as important as displaying accurate content on it. Understanding the basic concepts of website designing will help you create a website that is easily navigable and, contains information under relevant groupings.

Web Pages

Definition: A web page is a document using the HTML code. It is used to provide information to the user. It can be accessed using a browser. A web page can contain objects such as text or images. It can also contain links to these objects or other web pages.

Example :

created using html code

HTML document


A Website is a collection of web pages. typically, it consists of a home page that is linked to other pages through text or images. Each website is identified by a unique Uniform Resources Locator (URL).

The Uniform Resources Locator (URL)

A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is an address that uniquely identifies a website on the Internet. The first part (in blue) of the address indicates the protocol used to access the website, and the second part (in gray) specifies the IP address or the domain name of the website’s location.

The Protocol

A protocol refers to the set of rules that govern the exchange of information on the Internet. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the standard protocol used to transfer tand retrieve data from a web server.

The IP Address

Each computer that is connected to the Internet, whether part of a large network on a university campus or in someone’s office, uses a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address. This is a numeric address that help identify the computer on the Internet.

The Domain Name

A domain name is the unique textual name that corresponds to the numeric IP address of a compute. It is the name used commonly to access the website on the Internet.


HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a scripting language that is used to create web pages. It not only allows you to add the text that appears on the web page but also provides you with parameters that control the appearance of the web page. It also adds functionality to the web page.

The HTML Tags : HTML is made up of tags that act as code for creating the various elements, such as titles, tables, ordered lists, of a web page. These HTML tags provide instructions to the web browser to display the elements on the page according to the values and attributes given to the tags.

The Website Access Process

A web server makes web pages acessible to users based on their request. This process consists of the following stages:

  1. The user enters the URL of the website in the web browser.
  2. The browser sends a request for the file to the web server through HTTP.
  3. The web server sends the HTML text of the web page to the browser.
  4. The browser reads the HTML text,formats the pages according to the instructions provided in the HTML code, and displays it.


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