Monday, August 3, 2009

What will you prefer “Google it” or “Bing it” ?

Microsoft will now power Yahoo! search while Yahoo! will become the exclusive worldwide relationship sales force for both companies’ premium search advertisers. Search is about advertisers as much as users. Advertisers are where the money comes from. Combining these market shares makes Bing a much more viable alternative to Google … from the perspective of a business person looking to advertise, but advertisers are going to go where the users are. If more users still use Google then advertisers will still prefer to advertise with Google. Unless Bing/Yahoo can attract more users then they’ll still have a hard time attracting advertisers.

Considering Yahoo has been struggling behind Google for years, this is good news for them. And regardless as to whether or not you like Microsoft, Bing is actually pretty decent. As fast as the internet moves now days its hard to mark your calendar about things, but Yahoo bowing out of search for Bing definitely deserves a notch in the inter-trons time line…

Key Fact: everyone on the planet will still “Google it”

Well what can be said more , its just that i don’t want Yahoo to be known as Ya-who?


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