Friday, July 31, 2009

How do cell phones vibrate?

I found this information from a random forum recently,thinking that u all must also be willing to knw am Posting it here.

In the same way that we can only dimly grasp how airplanes fly and boats float, cell phones baffle us. Of course, our ignorance doesn't stop us from shouting into them each and every day. And since most of us use cell phones, the least we can do is set them to vibrate rather than subject folks to obnoxious ringtones.

To explain how the vibrations happen, How Stuff Works performed an autopsy on one ill-fated Tickle Me Elmo. The doll uses a shaking technology that's exactly the same as a cell phone's, though considerably larger. (Those queasy about Muppet innards should stop reading here.)

Here's what they found: A flywheel motor with a weight is attached to one side. When the motor turns, the weight throws it off balance and creates a wobble. That wobble causes the whole device, be it a friendly plush monster or a sleek cell phone, to jiggle.

Now, ask yourself something: Have you ever tried to answer your phone when it vibrates, only to find it's not actually moving (or even on)? If so, you may have had close encounters with a new phenomenon -- the phantom cell phone vibration. Perhaps you're hoping for a call just a little too fervently. Perhaps your muscles are twitching. To be honest, we're not sure. But to be on the
safe side, maybe it's time you call an exorcist (on a landline, of course).

Blogs Hstory

If you read this one, you should already have an idea of what is a blog, but where do they come from? I knew that "blog" was short for "weblog," so I searched on "history of weblogs" to answer that question.

A weblog is usually defined as a personal or noncommercial web site that uses a dated log format (usually with the most recent addition at the top of the page) and contains links to other web sites along with commentary about those sites. A weblog is updated frequently and sometimes groups links by specific subjects, such as politics, news, pop culture, or computer issues.

Some people are of the opinion that Mosaic's What's New page in 1993 was the first weblog. It was essentially a list of links that a few people thought were worth passing along to others. However, it wasn't until December 1997 that Jorn Barger coined the term "weblog" in his Robot Wisdom Weblog.

In 1998, only a handful of blogs existed, and many of the bloggers knew each other and linked to each other's sites. Rebecca Blood, author of The Weblog Handbook, notes that one preeminent site listed only 23 blogs in existence at the beginning of 1999. The media started noticing blogs later in 1999 and drew attention to the phenomenon. But it was the proliferation of free weblog-creation programs in 1999 that made blogging into a hugely popular pastime. Before this software was widely available, most weblogs were hand-coded by web developers and others who taught themselves HTML. The new programs made it easy for anyone to create their own weblog.

Blogger was released in August 1999 and was an immediate hit. This simple weblog application allows users to create any kind of weblog they desire. By October 2000, Blogger users were creating 300 new blogs a day, and the Blogger directory had over 5,500 blogs listed. In November of the same year, the 10,000th Blogger weblog was created. As of 2002, Blogger claimed over 750,000 users.

The rise of tools like Blogger also changed the content of weblogs. While they had begun as link-driven sites offering alternative viewpoints on news and other subjects, weblogs began to collide with online journals. Blogger-style tools allowed links and commentary to quickly grow into longer essays and diaries on the Web. Online journals had existed before this, but weblog applications made journals easier to manage for those who didn't know HTML.

Weblogs and online journals are often confused, and they can frequently overlap in content and style. But purists point out that a person writing in an online journal or diary is logging their life, not the Web. Weblogs still exist to log what's going on around the World Wide Web.

~~Mujhko bhi to lift kra de~~

The topic for today is my observation about the people I come across while traversing across the floors in the shopping malls or resedential buildings. These are the people I meet in the lift (or elevator)

* They wait without patience at the lift lobby and as soon as the lift door opens, try to barge in — without realizing that there could be people in the lift who may want to come out. Not surprisingly, they keep colliding with people.

** These people go together, mostly two in a group. They are so much into the discussion that once inside the lift they forget that they have to go somewhere and do not press any floor button. Minutes could go before wisdom dawns.

*** Then there are the over-cautious ones who always want to make sure if the lift is going in the direction they intend to go. Funny, when on the top floor, they ask the occupants — “Sure this is going down?”.

**** In contrast to the last type, these people enter the lift simply assuming that the lift is going in the direction they want it to go. Once inside they realise that they have reached the 4th floor instead of the 2nd.

***** The last kind, once in the lift, are usually deep into a thought process. Lift stops and they get out. It is later that they find out that its not where they wanted to be..hee hee!!pity on dem!

My Spicy Beer

I think I finally found my beer. It is called Creek Chilli Beer. It combines the two loves of my life which are beer and spice. This is a spicy beer. I mean, it is actually spicy as in chili hot. The beer bottle itself contains a chili pepper hanging around in the beer like a drunken worm. I love the taste of this beer. Many a times have I wondered how to get drunk and satisfy the spice sensors on my tongue, both at the same time. I tried downing tequila shots followed by a spoonful of hot lime pickle, but it did not hit the spot as I had hoped. Something seemed to be amiss. But when I drank this beer, the spot that had not been previously hit was not just hit, but blown into shreds. This beer helped me achieve my objective of getting spicily drunk.
But anyways, the long and the short of it is that I liked this beer. Go get some and let me know if you like it too.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Movie with Popcorns

These days I seem to prefer watching movies at home. Especially the desi movies. For all the desi movies I have watched seem to follow a few unwritten rules:

The theater may be half-empty, but irrespective of where you sit, the seat behind you will always get filled. If you are in the last row, someone will sit right next to you even if the rest of the theater is empty.

Movies are not supposed to be watched in silence. You should always do one of the following things while watching a movie -

(a) Ask your neighbor loudly what the actor just said.

(b) Give your companion a running translation of the movie, or your critique of every scene.

(c) Bring your children and have them construct alternate screenplays. You can have wide ranging discussions with your children on matters ranging from Bollywood to philosophy, and how things are not what they seem. But you should not talk loudly, you should whisper. Your stage whispers will carry right across the theater, but you are, you see, whispering.

(d) Wear copious quantities of some awful perfume, or hair oil. Eat garlic just before you step out of the house. Preferably don’t wash for a few days before the movie.

All these efforts on the part of my fellow movie-goers brings in a certain ambience. So I decided to watch movie at home

When I watch a movie at home, the screen is much smaller, the sound effects may just not be the same, and the audience will certainly not jeer or make catcalls. But the seats are much more comfortable, and I am in control – I can pause the movie to look again at a particular scene, or I can decrease the volume when it gets too loud. And no one behind me is going to tell me how it all ends.

But there’s something missing – the popcorn. I know there is always microwave popcorn, but you know it is not the real thing. It never pops perfectly, there are too many kernels, and the taste is just not the same as fresh popcorn.

Worse, microwave popcorn, it turns out.

So this weekend, I decided to make my own microwave popcorn. I did not start with growing my own corn, though I would have really liked to. But after detailed calculations, I realized that the amount of corn I needed could not be grown in flowerpots.

Here is how I went about doing it – I bought popcorn kernels that you can get in any supermarket. You even have a choice of white and yellow popcorn kernels, depending on how you like your popcorn to look.

Microwave Popcorn Recipe

Take the popcorn kernels in a bowl and add a spoon (or less) of butter or any vegetable oil of your choice to the kernels. Add salt to taste. If you like, add chilli powder or any curry powder of your choice. Mix it all up so every kernel is coated.

Pour the mixture into the brown paper bag. When I searched online, everyone assured me that I could staple the bag and it would be quite safe in the microwave. Apparently, since a staple is a really small piece of metal, it does not spark in the microwave.

But I played it safe and used a wooden toothpick to close the bag. I folded the edge of the bag once and then stuck the toothpick into it.

Now microwave this bag on high power for 3 to 5 minutes. You will know it’s done when the pops start getting really infrequent, say 5 seconds between pops.

Take the bag out and open it up away from your face (so you don’t get all the steam). Let it rest for a minute and once the steam has escaped, you can peer into the bag.

I am not, repeat not, responsible for any injuries that may result from whooping with joy, dancing around the kitchen, or trying to gobble down three mouthfuls of popcorn at a time.

I forgot to mention one other purchase you need to make – jeans two sizes too large. Believe me, once you have tried out this recipe, you will need them!

Hit List =>

  • Get me a Job or Master's, or may b both
  • Learn to swim : very important!
  • Expand my collection of books and make sure i find time to read them all
  • Travel more
  • Improve my fitness level : very important , cos right now I'm a SLOTH
  • Bungee jump, or atleast get involved in some kind of adventure sport
  • Still be in touch with all my dearest friends, and have made a few more good ones, if possible.
  • Have ticked off atleast 7 items on this list :o)
ps: order listed does not necessarily imply priority, but the first one is top

~~Now smthn mor abot myself~~
  • hate being alone.Need people around me constantly.
  • almost never stop talking unless i'm working/feeling tired/moody/sleeping
  • love to pig out.
  • am extremely senti/emotional...whatever u call it.
  • am generally found pulling people's legs endlessly
  • am, at this point of time confused if i shud end each line with a full-stop .
  • love the water,the river,the beach. Its too bad i can't swim and i live in a landlocked city
  • am lazy until i set my mind upon doing something. Once I do, I'm usually very focussed
  • can be a kid at times, and this extremely no-nonsense mature adult when i need to be.
  • really love being distributing free Love n relation Tips to ma frenzz!! i Imagine what I wub b if not a Engineer

and finally.....

  • have to get back to work now! :)

Lord Krishna Lecture

Got this in an email. Posted it on YouTube!


My Dream Career

When I was little, I wanted to be a Bus Conductor. I passionately wanted the job. Just imagine! Riding in a bus all day, everyday. And playing around with all that small change! I loved the sound the coins made when the conductor shuffled the purse looking for change.

I still remember discussing my career plans with my Dad.

Me: “Dad, I want to be a Bus Conductor when I grow up”
Dad (from behind a newspaper): “Very good. Very ambitious.”
Me: “Yeah. Then I will have lots of coins. I will be rich!”
Dad: “Why don’t you try to become something where you’ll get lots of notes instead?”
Me: “I don’t like notes. They don’t make a nice sound. I like coins better.”
Dad: “You have a very bright future ahead.”

I wanted to be Restaurant Waiter, Cricket Batsman, Telephone lineman, Pilot and Nuclear Physicist at various points during my schooling years. Years later, when it finally came down to joining an Engineering course, I decided to do Software Engineering, simply because they seemed to be getting the most money. This was back in 2004, at the height of the dot-com boom. 2 Years after , the dot-com bust came and evaporated all the dreams of big money. I was mentally preparing myself to go into my backup career plan – further studies to pursue a MBA.

One year into college and it became clear that I was not MBA material. I barely managed to pass some subjects – getting 35, with grace in a subject I managed up to 40, which was the minimum passing mark. I had lot of trouble writing 8-mark answers, which were expected to be at least four page long. There was no way I was going to be able to write a full thesis or a case Study in MBA.

Unfortunately for me, when graduation time came in 2009,yes juss 15 days back i finishd, the software industry was rapped in recession.

I hold to pursue yet another career – I want to write a Bollywood movie now. Seriously. I’m hoping to cast Rakhi Sawant in it.What a show she is owning on NDTV -Rakhi ka Swamvar!!

Past Affairs!!

I usually don’t blog about current affairs (that’s because I usually have no idea what’s happening in the world), but this video on YouTube caught me today. It’s brilliant. Just listen to the deep, insightfull answer that this beauty queen has to offer.

Watched it? I’ll wait till you finish. Done? OK.

I felt very nostalgic after watching this video.

Anyway, this girl finished 4th. She juuuusstt missed the 3rd place crown. Can you believe that? After giving that answer! That can mean only one thing. The judges had no idea either. They were probably looking for some keywords in the answer (like “US”, “education”, “build our future” etc…). Much like the N.K. “model answers”.

The point I’m trying to make is that these Beauty Pageants are not very different from Engineering Exams. No one knows what the questions mean, the same few keywords can be used for all the answers, the judges need to see lots of figures and curves and in the end, how many marks you get doesn’t matter at all.

Yesterday night Movie!!

Dev-D…What a movie. No, it’s not futuristic. Instead, this movie depicts modern day love stories. Behavior of people like you and me who fall in love. And then manage to screw up their lives in a unique way of dealing with downturns in life- Drink, dope and die.

What made me watch this movie? You really want to know? My friend, emailed me .mp3 file of X-Rated Version of “Emosional Atyachaar”. I haven’t been able to sing this song ever since without silently muttering lines like “Hai poora ka poora mind fuck yaar…tera emotional atyachaar” (Translation- Your emotional torture completely fucks my mind). A piece of advice: Don’t listen to it if you are not well educated in Hindi gaaliyan. By the way, why is it okay for people to abuse in English and not okay for people to abuse in Hindi? A person is “cool” if he abuses in English. A person is a bloody gawaar and ghaati if he abuses in Hindi.

The movie sticks to the basic story line of Devdas- Devdas and Paro are childhood friends. Devdas is a rich and misbehaved kid who is sent away to London by his father (fondly called “Sattu”). Dev returns back to Chandigarh, India after what seems like almost a century. He romances with Paro amidst sarso ke kheth and lots of hoopla (Older brother is getting married). Devdas manages to lose Paro and land up in Chanda’s (Chandramookhi) haveli.

The story line actually has a lot of “twists”- Devdas’ sis-in-law is no bitch. Devdas’ dad, Sattu, is quite a decent man himself. And for a change, he doesn’t hate Paro. And Paro’s a Jatt who doesn’t shy away from abusing men or admitting her sexual fantasies. Dev, on the other hand, is the biggest Male Chauvinist Pig (Long form for MCP) of all.

Paro’s character is potrays a woman who is strong enough to explore her own life and to break away from societal stereotypes. She is from a typical middle class family. She’s well educated (college topper, of course) and yeah, sexually frustrated. Only in India women are not allowed to be sexually frustrated. She doesn’t shy away from sending her long distance boyfriend a nude picture of her upper body. In fact, she has more balls than any man- she clicks her pic using a film roll camera, gets it developed at a film camera store, manages to ignore store owner’s perverted looks, goes to a cyber cafe (yes, they are still called cyber cafes in India), scans the image herself after abusing the cyber cafe guy and emails it to Dev. After Dev returns to Chandigarh, she asks her admirer, a servant of the house, his room keys- “Dev is back!” The servant of the house, unfortunately, professes his love for her. He manages to convince Dev that Paro is a top quality slut. Paro doesn’t look back and gets married right off the bat to a Punjabi guy who is rich and the father of two kids.

He dumps Paro and drinks and dopes to death (well, almost). Dev’s “friend”, Chunni babu (dressed in a green shirt and red tie), takes him to Chanda, who is actually quite young. An eighteen year old girl who helps guys get off over the phone by seductively talking and moaning in Tamil, English, French and Hindi. Chanda’s character is quite interesting- She is the famous woman who was involved in Delhi’s MMS scandal. Her mom kind of disowns her and her dad kills himself. With nowhere to go, she lands in a modern day brothel. She wears jeans and a tee shirt, rides a cool bike and goes to college when she’s not being a commercial sex worker (CSW).

Dev and Chanda actually fall in love and live happily ever after.

The director, Anurag Kashyap, explores different angles of a common woman’s life. He shows how women are actually much stronger than men in many ways. Paro moves on pretty quick. Dev doesn’t. He, in fact, chooses to meet Paro’s sister-in-law (who has a thing for him) to get back at Paro. He spies on Paro using telescopes. He calls her at 11 pm at night. And in a fit of emotion, tells her that he still loves her. Paro brings him back to Earth and shows him the reality- that he’s had his chance. Very briefly, the movie also talks about the importance of having safe sex. How it is never embarrassing to get yourself tested frequently and to request for a condom.

People make mistakes and they move on. Each experience makes you into the person you are. Oh, and our lives never come to a complete stop for anyone. We can always pick up the pieces and create a new mosaic. What society construes as acceptable in one part of the world might not be acceptable in some other part of the world, but this doesn’t make your truth or experience any less significant than mine.

Abhay Deol, as Dev-D, gives an outstanding performance. I haven’t seen any of his movies. This is my first. I really hope this won’t be my last Abhay Deol movie! He’s so different compared to his cousins. I also hope to see more of Kalki and Mahi Gill. Both were spectacular.

The Headache Game..

On last Saturday morning finding difficult to get up from bed, I pulled myself up to accompany my cousin for a scrabble tournament at some club.
As with any other tournament same happened over here also, the scheduled starting time of 9:45 was postponed by 45minutes and the turn around was also very poor. I was playing this game for the first time in my life and was eager to look how the board looked like. Something similar to Chess board but with some scoring pattern mentioned in it. Seven tiles for each player and one need to form two letter and above words using the tiles. Each tile contains an alphabet and score for the same. Some guys argued luck does not play a factor but from a bag of tiles if you are to pick 7 tiles then one can count the probability and it definitely turns out to be a game of luck with a little knowledge of SCARBBLE WORD DICTIONARY and remember there are many words added in this which can never find its way to OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY.

The first round I played I dont even know I won the game pretty easily. I was able to arrange some words with my opponent explaining the rules to me inbetween the game. There was one term called BINGO and never got an oppurtunity for that. BINGO is a word to be formed with all the seven tiles you got at a particular point of time during the game.

The second round was all fun and thats where I learnt new words EO, EE, AA, ZO, QI, AB and my opponent was a professional who plays the game daily in their office. Do you think I run a chance of winning the game?? Absolutely not and I lost the game very badly. In this round I also found the rules confusing me.

I found it to be a total waste of time and had to be content with a headache!

Before the third round was to begin my bro & myself ran out of the venue and out for lunch which was more soothing. A game of chess would have helped my thinking ability far more.

I dont think I would be returning to that board of word game again in my life.

The Barber story

I went to a salon today. I had real short hair before I left for the salon. I wanted it to be made shorter. I confused the barber and he could never really figure out how short exactly did I want my hair to be. I didn’t know myself.

‘So you want medium size’?

‘It’s already medium. It’s rather less than medium. I want it shorter’.

‘So you want short hair. So should I use the machine’?

‘No. No machine. I don’t want my hair that short. No razor also. Use only scissors’.

‘So you don’t want machine? So you want medium’?

‘Yes. I want it shorter’.

After few hours of such friendly conversation, he started off and somehow, carrying our friendly conversations forward, he managed to bring the hair down to a fairly trimmed appearance. I was satisfied with the final look. Then he asked – ‘aur sir, phacial vacial’?

‘I am already so fair looking. What do I need a facial for’?

‘Ah of course, that is there. God has given you a fair skin’.

LOL! At first I thought that he got my joke at my dark skin colour and decided to give a smart reply. But I soon realized that I was indeed fairer than him! Suddenly I wanted to laugh out loud on the fact that he actually thought that I thought that I had a fair skin which I had never thought until he made me think about things from his point of view. Phew!

Today's Present..

“Yesterday is history,Tomorros is mystery,

Today is a gift,That’s why it is called Present!”

from the signature of some random guy in some random forum

Start of new Blog !!

I got up some time ago. At five in the morning! I got up because I saw weird dreams and started feeling restless. I had slept at some time after three. And I am still restless, though not very sure why.

I decided to write a BLOG. I like blogs. I like what blogs have done to people. Made them write, think, show off, make friends and - write more. It's a good thing. So many brilliant writers seem to write exactly the way I'd want to.
So, I'm jealous. And finally brave enough to attempt it myself.

Before I blogged for first time in 2007 I was told I would find like minded friends via this thing called blogging. I do find interesting reactions to a question I have asked around – “So really, why do you blog?”. The one that intrigues me the most is – no answer, a posture of discomfort, with “why do you ask me” looks. Anyway.

Mail and blog both r now close friends of me, probably cause they never complain even i over use them. and we never try to understand each other so no problem of conflicts.


like everybody i love to receive mails. I know i wont get mails just because i expect them to come.but still my fingers keep pressing F5 just to see any new ones.

I typed. I deleted. I typed again. I deleted again. Nothing! It happens with everyone at times. Right? Say right. ?May be OR MAY BE not. The craziest blog till now at least. Something! Watever ~~

with few lines in my mind...

aaj dil mein blog likhne ka khayaal aaya;

aaj dil mein blog likhne ka khayaal aaya;

blog likhna shuru kiya to kuch samjha na aaya;

socha ki kya likhen;socha ki kya likhen;

to sochte sochte dimag mein aaya.;

ki puttar pichli rat tune KHANA nhi khaya.

Aah!! That was d reason...yes i shud mention I was on d fast last day,so not getting proper sleep empty stomach. i keep thez fasts once in a blue moon !!M taking a break now till I eat somthn n b back rite soon after smtime.
Meanwhile, I'll just press the button, and Publish and join the world of self-proclaimed authors.